Department of Nephrology
The Department of Nephrology provides distinguished therapeutic services to care for and maintain kidney health, and to ensure the continuation of its successful functions. The kidneys play a vital role in the human body, as they remove toxins from the body, filter the blood, maintain the balance of sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium levels, as well as regulate fluid levels and reabsorb and distribute nutrients in the blood circulation.
The Department of Nephrology provides comprehensive and effective patient care, diagnosing and treating a variety of kidney-related diseases and disorders. The necessary treatment is provided to maintain kidney health and prevent potential problems. This includes regular monitoring of kidney function and administration of appropriate drug therapy, and in advanced cases, procedures such as dialysis may be required
Dialysis Center:
- Hemodialysis cases are treated.
Hypnosis Department:
- To perform renal biopsy and renal interventions such as installing a dialysis catheter.
Intensive care department:
- Continuous dialysis, hemodialysis and plasmapheresis.
Our specialized team is distinguished by its competence in treating kidney-related disorders, including:
- Ultrasound diagnosis (US)
- Computed tomography (CT)
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Invasive tissue examinations (biopsies)
The range of physical examinations that patients may receive includes:
- Physical examination of the lungs, heart, and feet to diagnose any swelling.
- Examination of blood, infections, and protein levels by testing blood or urine samples.
Doctors in the Nephrology Department